Scripture gives tremendous dignity and freedom to women both in the Old Testament under the Law and in the New Testament under Grace. New Testament Christians are often exhorted to rise above their surrounding cultures and live a life that reflects God’s character and purpose in the world.
In 1 Corinthians 7, we have a description of two circumstances in which women may find themselves: Married or Single. These are “callings” for the woman. Notice as we go along how often a woman has a choice in determining what calling she will heed, and yet once she has made that choice there are restrictions on her or freedoms given to her because of her choice. However, often women find themselves in circumstances they did not choose as in the case of widows or divorcees whose unbelieving spouse leaves them. In all these callings, God has been and will always be providentially leading us.
Read 1 Corinthians 7:17-24
1. Who is “called” in verse 17?